Monday, 21 April 2008

Ray Mears goes walkabout

In Ray 'lets commercialise bushcraft' Mears new series he meets up with the legendary Les Hiddins AKA Bush Tucker Man in Australia which has to be worth seeing.
The series is scheduled for May in the UK, no doubt it will be on torrent as each episode is shown.

The usual book tie-in is set for release any day now and expect to see some expensive tat from Australia on RM's web site

Sunday, 20 April 2008


Foxfire 1-6 can be downloaded from this site
I'm downloading one now so i cant tell you if its worth downloading from here just yet.

Well i had a look, this comes with a prog that restricts me to x-amount of viewings forcing me to buy it from them if i want to keep reading it. I was hoping that because of the large file size, the book will have crisp images and neater txt but it's just poor scans of an old book.
I'm better off with the smaller sized torrent download

The only alternative is to buy the expensive originals that pop up on ebay which i would like but just not an option at the mo

Internet Archive

Internet Archive

Try typing survival, bushcraft, wilderness, aboriginal etc into the search box for more freebies

Ye olde Lonely Planet Booke

The problem with ebooks is that you have to stare at the screen to read them, I much prefer the the traditional paper format that i can read in the comfort of my bed, sleeping bag or sofa, i also love the smell of books, new and old, but the problem with paper books is they are rarely free and i like free stuff especially free knowledge so thats where ebooks have a use in my opinion, a paperless way to spread free useful knowledge (who would buy an E novel? 400 pages of discomfort - no thanks).
Anyway, found this free online book that can be viewed in different formats and hopefully is worth staring at the screen for (I had a look at the txt version but the DJVU and PDF versions are scanned from the original book). It's written in Olde English where the letter f was often used instead of the letter s (i wonder if if this is the case if i find the word suck), it's 392 pages of discomfort but looks very interesting.

VOYAGES and TRAVELS Throughout The OLD and NEW World (1708)
A general history of all voyages and travels throughout the old and new world, from the first ages to this present time, illustrating both the ancient and modern geography, containing an accurate description of each country, its natural history and product; the religion, customs, manners, trade, [etc.] of the inhabitants, and whatsoever is curious and remarkable in any kind. An account of all discoveries hitherto made in the most remote parts, and the great usefulness of such attempts, for improving both natural and experimental philosophy; with a catalogue of all authors that have ever describ'd any part of the world, an impartial judgment and criticism on their works for discerning between the reputable and fabulous relaters; and an extract of the lives of the most considerable travellers, made English from the Paris edition
Read it here

Saturday, 19 April 2008

Green Pete Knife Making

You can download a dvd or watch on youtube his great tutorial on how to make your own knife saving you possibly hundreds on a nice fancy knife from elsewhere. In my opinion it's how he makes the knife that really makes the tutorial great, a trip to a scarp yard and a few basic diy tools is all that's needed (and somewhere to do it). If i had of seen this the last time i tried to make a knife then i would of been in possession of a great looking knife instead of the abortion that i use now.

Friday, 18 April 2008

Celebrating Birch: The Lore, Art and Craft of an Ancient Tree (Paperback)

There's a new book out over on Amazon all about birch, looks quite interesting. may just buy it next week and try my hand at reviewing it.

Product Description
If you think of birch as simply a wood to work with, think again. For centuries, this legendary tree has been vital to the survival of mankind and is celebrated by cultures around the world. In this stunning salute, the North House Folk School will delight your curiosity with the fascinating history and myths of the birch while sharpening your woodworking skills with 15 beautiful projects that include carved ornaments, turned bowls, bark baskets, and more.

Wednesday, 16 April 2008

More ebooks to download

Demonoid is back up which is great news as it one of the better torrent sites out there, anyway, here is a link to posting offering all sorts of great survival books most of which i have not come by before so grab them while you can i have added a couple of invite codes (needed to sign up).


email me if the above invites have been used and i will send you your own personal code if needed. I think the torrent can be found on pirate bay as well - no need to sign up there.

List of books in torrent (ignore the links, just the usual marketing bullshit on the web):

11 Steps to Survival - Canada Emergency Measurses Organization.pdf929.36 KB
Aids to Survival.pdf684.03 KB
Be Your Own Bodyguard - Peaceful Paths.pdf149.08 KB
Bushcraft (Canadian Scout Manual) - PO 403.pdf1.56 MB
Camp Life in the Woods and the Tricks of Trapping.pdf12.55 MB
Captain Dave's Survival Guide.pdf218.38 KB
Citizen's Homeland Defense Guide I - The Art of Survival.pdf612.34 KB
Citizen's Homeland Defense Guide II - The Art of Survival.pdf958.35 KB
Civil Preparedness Guide - FEMA 1-10.pdf209.93 KB
Combat Survival and Evasion.pdf5.76 MB
Common Sense Guide to Being Prepared - Time Magazine.pdf100.70 KB
Dangerous Plants and Animals/Dangerous_Animals.zip19.61 KB
Dangerous Plants and Animals/Dangerous_Fish_and_Mollusks.zip397.86 KB
Dangerous Plants and Animals/Dangerous_Plants_(GIF).zip66.55 KB
Dangerous Plants and Animals/Dangerous_Snakes_(GIF).zip53.07 KB
Dangerous Plants and Animals/Injurious Plants GTA 08-05-055.pdf124.49 KB
Dangerous Plants and Animals/Precautions_with_Snakes.pdf104.56 KB
Disinfecting After the Flood.doc140.87 KB
Don't Leave Home Without Your Brain.txt19.28 KB
Essential Underground Handbook (P M L Publishing).pdf1.48 MB
Extension Agent's Handbook for Emergency Preparation and Response.doc1.58 MB
Fieldcraft - B-GL-392-009-FP-001.pdf2.03 MB
Food and Water/Cookbooks/Emergency Food Preparation.pdf147.43 KB
Food and Water/Cookbooks/Enjoy Yeast Breads - FN283.pdf1.52 MB
Food and Water/Cookbooks/Field Cooking Nutrition.rar26.91 KB
Food and Water/Cookbooks/Quilt Inn Country Cookbook.pdf560.93 KB
Food and Water/Cookbooks/Recipes Tried And True (1894 Cookbook).zip66.41 KB
Food and Water/Disinfecting After the Flood.doc140.87 KB
Food and Water/Emergency Food Prep.zip31.26 KB
Food and Water/Emergency Water Treatment & Sanitation Handout Pages .rar5.97 KB
Food and Water/Emergency Water Treatment.htm15.62 KB
Food and Water/Farming and Gardening/Backyard Rabbit Keeping - Ann Williams.rar63.10 KB
Food and Water/Farming and Gardening/Container_Herb_Gardening.zip42.56 KB
Food and Water/Farming and Gardening/Gardening_Classic_-_How_to_Grow_and_Prepare_Tomatoes.pdf338.67 KB
Food and Water/Farming and Gardening/Gopher_Repeller.zip30.88 KB
Food and Water/Farming and Gardening/Greenhouse_Gardening.zip16.75 KB
Food and Water/Farming and Gardening/Growing_Barrels_of_Potatoes.zip60.24 KB
Food and Water/Farming and Gardening/Natural Chicken Feed.txt431 bytes
Food and Water/Farming and Gardening/Saving Seeds 2.txt213.70 KB
Food and Water/Farming and Gardening/Successful_Gardening,_Vol._1.pdf413.03 KB
Food and Water/Farming and Gardening/The City People's Book of Raising Food - Olkowski.txt343.41 KB
Food and Water/Fishing.zip34.61 KB
Food and Water/Food and Water Storage/Canning Butter.rar1.97 KB
Food and Water/Food and Water Storage/Canning Hamburger.rar1.91 KB
Food and Water/Food and Water Storage/Drying_Foods.pdf126.69 KB
Food and Water/Food and Water Storage/Emergency Food and Water Supplies.rar7.45 KB
Food and Water/Food and Water Storage/Emergency_Water_Supply.pdf162.32 KB
Food and Water/Food and Water Storage/Family Food Security.zip19.61 KB
Food and Water/Food and Water Storage/Food Storage Cooking School - FN503.PDF1.27 MB
Food and Water/Food and Water Storage/Guide to Food and Water Storage.rar12.39 KB
Food and Water/Food and Water Storage/How Much to Store.rar2.30 KB
Food and Water/Food and Water Storage/Providence Cooperative Prudent Food Storage Ver 3.zip137.90 KB
Food and Water/Food and Water Storage/Providence Cooperative Stored Food Pests FAQ Ver 1 (TXT Format).zip12.95 KB
Food and Water/Food and Water Storage/Providence Cooperative Water Treatment FAQ Ver 2.2 (Word Format).ZIP32.29 KB
Food and Water/Food and Water Storage/Prudent_Food_Storage_FAQ.zip122.59 KB
Food and Water/Food and Water Storage/Salt Cureing Meat.rar4.29 KB
Food and Water/Food and Water Storage/Start Your Food Storage on $10 a Week by Alan T Hagan Issue 59.rar69.77 KB
Food and Water/Food and Water Storage/Storing Flour.rar1.24 KB
Food and Water/Food and Water Storage/Storing Grains in Buckets.rar1.53 KB
Food and Water/Food and Water Storage/Storing Honey.rar2.98 KB
Food and Water/Food and Water Storage/Storing Water in 2-Liter Bottles.rar2.19 KB
Food and Water/Food and Water Storage/Survival Meat Preserving - Part 1 - Pemmican.rar2.56 KB
Food and Water/Food and Water Storage/Survival Meat Preserving - Part 2 - Jerky.rar2.38 KB
Food and Water/Food and Water Storage/Waxing Cans and Boxes for Storage.rar2.21 KB
Food and Water/Food_Procurement.zip1.21 MB
Food and Water/Implements/Backpack_Stove_-_How-To.zip105.57 KB
Food and Water/Implements/Building a SmokeHouse.rar3.29 KB
Food and Water/Implements/Dutch Oven.zip21.59 KB
Food and Water/Implements/How_to_Build_an_Outdoor_Fire.zip71.01 KB
Food and Water/Implements/Water_Proof_Matches.pdf46.17 KB
Food and Water/Portable Food.rar31.37 KB
Food and Water/Recipes/125 Jerky Recipes.zip37.77 KB
Food and Water/Recipes/Acorn Soup.rar5.01 KB
Food and Water/Recipes/Baking Bread - The Beginner's Guide.rar24.43 KB
Food and Water/Recipes/Bread Recipes.zip57.41 KB
Food and Water/Recipes/Bread, 500 Recipes for Making.zip147.16 KB
Food and Water/Recipes/Cornbread & Hot Water Cornbread.rar1.64 KB
Food and Water/Recipes/Culinary Herbs.zip111.26 KB
Food and Water/Recipes/Hard Cider, Quick Recipe.rar2.28 KB
Food and Water/Skinning_And_Dressing_Rabbits.pdf78.65 KB
Food and Water/Wild Rice - Gloria Belcourt.rar10.57 MB
Free_Hot_Tips_on_Survival_by_Ex-Green_Beret_Don_Paul.pdf109.07 KB
Handbook_of_Knots_&_Splices_-_Charles_Gibson.pdf1.22 MB
How to Prepare for Any Disaster.pdf1.34 MB
Ignore this.txt18.58 KB
Injurious Plants GTA 08-05-055.pdf124.49 KB
Mormon Emergency Preperation.pdf820.93 KB
National Security Emergencies.pdf627.28 KB
Out-of-Home Defense.txt12.46 KB
Pioneering Knots and Lashings.pdf1.88 MB
Providence Cooperative Survival FAQ - Threat Analysis.txt22.03 KB
Read me!.txt99 bytes
Risks & hazards - A State by State Guide - FEMA196.pdf12.59 MB
Shelter/Building_Shelters.zip564.39 KB
Shelter/Debris Hut Construction.rar130.67 KB
Shelter/Emergency Shelter Factfile.htm18.24 KB
Shelter/Granddaddy of All Underground Storage Areas.pdf100.08 KB
Shelter/Shelter.jpg33.43 KB
Shelter/Tent Plans.zip704.16 KB
Special Forces Caching Techniques - TC 31-29A.pdf65.55 KB